Máy quang phổ hồng ngoại Spectrum 3 Mid-IR được thiết kế theo tiêu chuẩn vàng ISO-9001.
Hệ giao thoa DynascanTM được cấp bằng sáng chế
Thiết kế ổn định, không cần căn chỉnh động học để bù cho bất kỳ những thay đổi thường có mặt trong hệ thống giao thoa sử dụng gương di động. Bộ phận giao thoa với thiết kế đơn giản giúp tăng tuổi thọ và độ tin cậy
Variable J-Stop: Điều chỉnh ...
Hiệu năng quang học:
- Dải phổ:
+ Vùng Mid-IR: 8,300 - 350 cm-1
-Độ phân giải phổ: 0.4-64 cm-1
-Độ tái lặp bước sóng: ±0.02 cm-1 tại 1,600 cm-1
-Tín hiệu trên nhiễu:
+ Tín hiệu trên nhiễu: 11,100: 1 peak:peak (>50,000:1 RMS) trong 5 giây
FTIR system with advanced Far-IR capability
Extend your IR capabilities into FIR with Frontier™. The IR/FIR system combines optimum performance in both mid- and far-IR regions, enabling you to readily adapt the system to match your exacting research needs.
-Excellent performance over the ca. 700-30cm-1 region due to our high performance interferometer
-Automatic beam-splitter change over ensures fast and easy switching between ranges
Dual range performance in a single instrument
The Frontier™ IR/NIR system enables you to benefit from faster method development and reduced instrument costs.
Spectral Range
Mid-IR (KBr) beamsplitter: 8,300 – 350 cm-1
Near-IR (CaF2): 14,700 – 2,000 cm-1
Spectral Resolution
Mid-IR (KBr) 0.4-64 cm-1
Near-IR (CaF2) 1-64 cm-1 (0.1-6.4 nm at 1,000 nm)
Delivering ease of use with ultimate performance, the Frontier™ FT-NIR system is equipped to address even the most demanding applications, from research, materials testing and academia. Offering high sensitivity, fast sampling and unrivalled stability, you can have confidence in achieving only the highest quality and reproducible results.
Recognizing the need for the highest level of ordinate accuracy, the Frontier Optica is an FT-IR spectrometer developed specifically to meet the demands of the optical filters and specialty glass and coatings industries.
Developed to measure optical coating and high refractive index materials, this advanced system incorporates features designed to minimize or even remove the sources of ordinate errors associated with standard FT-IR. Now FT-IR users can exploit the benefits of modern FT-IR and ...
Spectrum Two™ is the IR spectrometer of choice for everybody, everywhere. Ideally suited to everyday analysis, you can confidently perform fast, accurate IR analysis and assure the quality of your materials across a wide range of applications. Spectrum Two combines superb performance with a low maintenance design.
A wide range of accessories, including a diamond universal ATR, are available to order separately.