Purifier Class I Safety Enclosures and Purifier HEPA Filtered Enclosures protect you and your laboratory environment. They offer an economical alternative to Class II laminar flow cabinets when your applications do not require product protection. Purifier Class I Enclosures protect the user from agents that require Biosafety Level 1, 2 or 3 containment but no product protection. These enclosures include an ultraviolet light that may be used in conjunction with surface disinfection to ensure ...
Purifier Horizontal Clean Benches direct HEPA-filtered air horizontally over the work area to provide ISO Class 5 (formerly Class 100) conditions and protect your work from particulate contamination. Applications for clean benches include plant tissue culture, media plate preparation, electronics inspection, medical device assembly and pharmacy drug preparation. Because they do not provide protection to the user, they should not be used in conjunction with biohazardous material, toxins or ...
Purifier Cell Logic Class II, Type A2 Biosafety Cabinets are specially designed with cell researchers in mind, while also providing protection from hazardous particulates such as agents that require Biosafety Level 1,2 or 3 containment. These biohazard laminar flow cabinets are designed to discharge HEPA-filtered exhaust air directly into the laboratory, or into an exhaust system through the optional Canopy Connection. When canopy-ducted, these biological safety cabinets may be used for ...
Purifier Vertical Clean Benches direct HEPA-filtered air downward over the work area to provide ISO Class 5 (formerly Class 100) conditions and protect your work from particulate contamination. Applications for clean benches include plant tissue culture, media plate preparation, electronics inspection, medical device assembly and pharmacy drug preparation. Because they do not provide protection to the user, they should not be used in conjunction with biohazardous material, toxins or ...