Research Microscope Power in a Benchtop Assay Instrument
with Simple Operation, Easy Cellular Imaging, and High-Quality Optics
The ECLIPSE Ji (Ji) is Nikon’s first all-digital research grade inverted microscope. With no eyepieces, this microscope is designed to be easy to learn and use, while maintaining the optimum optical quality and large field of view (FOV) Nikon microscopes are well-known for.
Nikon's inverted microscope series positioned at the center of the most advanced bioscience imaging protocols.
Basic, manual model ideal for a variety of research applications.
Manual model with imaging capability for laser applications. Intelligent features provide interactive guidance through imaging workflows and automatic microscope status detection.
Motorized and intelligent model for advanced imaging applications. Compatible with PFS, auto correction collar, and external phase contrast system. The base of choice for live-cell imaging, high-content applications, confocal and super-resolution.
Fits in Every Laboratory — Simple to Use & Compact
The ECLIPSE Ts2 inverted microscope offers brilliantly clear images, enabling more efficient cell culture observation and documentation. Furthermore, a newly developed contrast observation method and improved operability enhances its use for routine laboratory work.
A compact inverted research microscope configurable with a wide variety of observation methods.
The ECLIPSE Ts2R sets a new standard for the inverted research microscope, providing a wide range of observation methods and applications in a compact body that can easily fit in limited laboratory spaces while maintaining excellent operability.