The semi-automatic Abel closed cup tester measures the flash point, the lowest temperature at which the vapors of a sample ignite upon the application of an ignition source.
AB 5 is suitable for volatility applications of petroleum products, solvents, chemicals, fluxed bitumen, etc.
ADU 5 is the ideal solution to automatically perform high-precision atmospheric distillation tests to characterize the volatility of petrochemical products like all standard fuels, biodiesel and ethanol-blended gasoline.
The automatic Cleveland Open Cup (COC) measures and describes the properties of a sample in response to heat and a test flame under controlled conditions. The flash point measures the tendency to form a flammable mixture with air while the fire point indicates the tendency of sustained burning.
CLA 5 is suitable for the application range of volatility, lubricants, residual fuels or bituminous material.
The fully automated, compact, stand-alone CFPP tester Callisto 100 determines the low temperature operability in diesel fuel, biodiesel, blends and gas oils.
Callisto 100 comes with a newly developed state-of-the-art Peltier element concept which allows the connection of a methanol-free cooling system. It ensures outstanding homogeneity of the cooling jacket, which is the most critical and decisive parameter for a correct CFPP value determination
The copper strip tester is designed to assess the relative degree of corrosivity of aviation gasoline, aviation fuels, automotive gasoline, natural gasoline, cleaner's solvent, kerosene, diesel fuel, distillate fuel oil, lubricating oil and greases.
The automatic DDA 3 force-ductility meter offers three procedures to measure bitumen properties:
Ductility or elongation is measured by the distance to which a sample will elongate before breaking.
Elastic recovery is measured by the recoverable strain determined after severing an elongated briquette specimen. This is useful in confirming that a material has been added to the asphalt to provide a significant elastomeric characteristic.
Force-ductility measures tensile properties and the ...
The DU 4 is designed for examining the boiling range characteristics of petroleum products as well as aromatic hydrocarbons and other volatile organic liquids.
The automatic breaking point tester determines the brittle behavior of bitumen at low temperatures.
The Fraass breaking point is the temperature at which the first crack appears in the coating of a thin, flat steel plaque, flexed under descending temperatures.
Gum content is the residue of aircraft fuels, motor gasoline and other volatile distillates which cannot be evaporated.
Fuel samples of 50 mL are evaporated under controlled temperature conditions and the flow of air or steam
The DH 5 is a Herschel emulsifier that serves to measure the ability of petroleum oils or synthetic fluids to separate from water.
The semi-automatic OBA 2 safety tester is used to determine the oxidation stability (induction period) and the tendency to formgum (potential residue) under accelerated oxidation conditions. It complies with German safety regulations to avoid health hazards caused by unexpected explosions.
OBA 2 is suitable for oxidation stability applications of gasoline and aviation fuel.
The patented Rapid Small Scale Oxidation Test (RSSOT) provides a complete oxidation stability analysis of petroleum products automatically in a very short test time.
PetroOxy is suitable for the stability determination of liquid fuels (gasoline, diesel, biodiesel, FAME and blends).
The modular TOST & TOO tester is used to describe the properties of a sample in order to prevent the oxidation and corrosion of metals.
It is suitable for various mineral oils such as steam turbine and distillate fuel oils
PNR 12 automatically measures the resistance a material provides to being pierced by a specifically shaped penetrator. The harder the test material, the more pointed and needle-like the penetrator should be.
The penetrometer is used for consistency and plasticity determination of pasty, creamy, semi-solid or highly viscous samples.
The automatic Pensky-Martens closed cup tester measures the flash point at the lowest temperature at which the application of an ignition source causes the vapors of a sample to ignite.
PMA 5 is suitable for volatility applications of both biodiesel and biodiesel-blended fuels along with distillate fuels like diesel, heating oil and kerosene. It is commonly used for potentially flammable liquids such as lubricating oils and edible oils, too.